The Royal Decree of 4th December 2012 contains rules pertaining to the safety of workers and electric installations on work sites, compelling business companies to take several aspects into account. LiNK Engineering Group provides the supporting measures required, enabling you to keep the overview. Below you will find more about the statutory measures and what the LiNK-team is able to do for you.
In 2021 the Belgian Official Gazette issued a new RD about minimal regulations related to safety of electric installations on work sites.
The RD contains regulations concerning:
These regulations differ from previous instructions published in 2008. The RD of 4th December 2012 is applicable to any electric installation on work sites. The previous RD of 2nd June 2008, on the other hand, was applicable only to old electric installations built before 1981 (FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal overleg, 2012).
The new RD furthermore determines that the construction of any electric installation, both low and high voltage, must comply at least with AREI clauses (Algemeen Reglement op de Elektrische Installaties). The regulation contains a collection of instructions for electric material and electric installations in Belgium.
When auditing electric installations, old and new ones, both an investigation of conformity and a periodical check-up must take place at intervals determined by the AREI (FOD Economie, 2020)
The employer makes a risk analysis for each electric installation based on the RD. If infringements occur the employer must take precautionary measures to demonstrate that the electric installation covers any risk involved. For each installation a file is composed containing all relevant information and made available to all employees working at the installation. Monitoring actions must result in improved safety and well-being of employees (FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal overleg, 2012).
If electric installations do not comply with the RD hazardous situations may be created, which may initiate legal procedures and result in high fines.