Project Guidance

When starting a new project several questions arise. Do we have the required budget? Do we have the right competences in our team? Who will monitor the project from A to Z? LiNK Engineering Group guides you from the conceptual phase by delineating a Project Execution Flow:

  • Conceptual Study
  • Basic Engineering
  • Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Construction (Management) (EPC/EPCM)
  • Commissioning & Start-Up

In addition to guidance in the various project phases, we also advise on the choice of contract type (EPC or EPCM). This contract type will determine the composition of the project team. In addition, it will also have an impact on the distribution of engineering costs and risks for all parties involved.

LiNK Engineering

[email protected]

+32 (0) 3 361 65 00

Phase 1

Conceptual Study (FEL2)

The first and essential phase aims to develop a feasibility analyses and a project plan that provides answers to important questions, such as: Who would be able to execute the project? Which party/parties must be involved and is there sufficient support for the project? Expectations related to the result as well as the bounds of the project will be mapped. In this phase, consideration is given to the contract form for the following steps

  • Completion: Conceptual Design
  • Budget estimate +/- 25% accuracy

Phase 2

Basic Engineering (FEL3)

The purpose of the second phase is a definite scope of work which can be approved based on the project plan from the Conceptual Study. Together we consider all requirements and wishes related to the project, such as preconditions, functional and operational requirements, design limitations. Through consecutive meetings with all parties involved, expectations relating to the final result will be clarified in the earliest stage possible.

  • Completion: Basic Engineering Package
  • Budget assessment +/- 10% accuracy

Phase 3

Engineering, Procurement & Construction EPC(M)

In phase three, a definite choice will be made from the Basic Engineering Designs for the final design to be realized. Suppliers and subcontractors will be selected and brought in based on the plan of action. The Project Team will now engage in consecutive construction phases and every step will be documented. All parties involved will be informed immediately of adjustments to be considered, based on progressive insight so as not to hinder with the project's progress.

Completion: “As Built” Documentation; Installation, User and Maintenance Manuals; “Mechanical Completion” Certificate.

Phase 4

Commissioning & Start-Up

Each system will be tested in the final phase. Commissioning will start with the audit of the “Mechanical Completion File”. Special attention will be paid to unresolved problems on the punch list and personnel will be trained to operate the installation. This is followed by the start-up phase in which production gradually increases up to commercial production level. Performance tests will be carried out during this phase. This operating procedure enables us, along with the customer, to monitor how the plant functions in a stable production condition.

Completion: Preliminary Acceptance. Transfer of Project. Start of Guarantee and Warranty Period.